Time to Return to the Basics of the Faith
Too many of our church leaders have forgotten how to teach and practice the basics of the faith. If we truly want Christianity to bloom again then those long forgotten basics of the faith must be brought back. Many self-professed “Christians” of today would do well to pay attention to what one of the early fathers of the church taught. His name was Justin Martyr. He was born around 100 AD in Palestine, was raised under Greek philosophy and converted to Christianity around 132 AD. From that time one he travelled and as he travelled, he proclaimed and taught others about his newfound faith. He eventually ended up in Rome where he was beheaded in 165 AD for being a subversive.

He was an apologist, someone who defended Christianity against the attacks from non-believers. He did this during a time when Christians were being actively martyred for their beliefs. He was a prolific writer and his works helped to form the foundations for how early Christians came to believe and behave. Even though he laid out those guidelines almost 2,000 years ago they are as valid today as they were then. Primarily because many modern church leaders and their followers have strayed from the teachings of Jesus and have become followers of the world. They have put the secular world and their desire for wealth and power ahead of their brothers and sisters. While they talk about being Christians, they live as if they are not.
For example, in book 1 Chapter 16, he writes, “And let those who are not found living as He taught, be understood to be no Christians, even though they profess with the lip the precepts of Christ; for not those who make profession, but those who do the works, shall be saved, according to His word: “ At this point Justin quotes the words of Jesus
“Not every one who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven. For whosoever hears Me, and does My sayings, hears Him that sent Me. And many will say unto Me, Lord, Lord, have we not eaten and drunk in Your name, and done wonders? And then will I say unto them, Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. Then shall there be wailing and gnashing of teeth, when the righteous shall shine as the sun, and the wicked are sent into everlasting fire. For many shall come in My name, clothed outwardly in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly being ravening wolves. By their works you shall know them. And every tree that brings not forth good fruit, is hewn down and cast into the fire.”
“And as to those who are not living pursuant to these His teachings, and are Christians only in name, we demand that all such be punished by you.”
For the next 200 years, those were the types of teachings that Christians followed. They followed the actual teachings of Jesus, sadly that all changed once Roman emperor Constantine made Christianity not only legal but also the official religion of the empire. From that point on church leaders became consumed with power and wealth. For examples all a person has to do is look at the basilicas they built, the extreme wealth they acquired, and finally how they came to be the actual rulers of kingdoms on earth. All of which was completely opposite of the teachings of Jesus.
That trend continues today, especially here in the United States. Religious leaders are not interested in the poor, the sick, the naked, the hungry. They are interested in telling each of us what to read, how to think, all the while they seek to acquire more wealth and power.
It’s time to return to basics.