Hey God! I sure could use some help down here!!!! eBook designed to help any person who is struggling with life and the obstacles we face.
Have you ever watched a movie where part of the setting is onboard a ship and someone falls overboard? Or do you remember the scene in the film “It’s a wonderful life” when younger brother Harry falls through the ice? Or how about any movie set in the jungle when a member of the party steps in quicksand and begins to sink? Or any scene set in the mountains where somebody has fallen off a cliff and is stranded? In each of those situations the person who is in danger can be seen reaching up for help. Their arms are extended upward (well if they’re conscious, if not then they just kind of lie there), but anyway they are reaching out for help.
Life can often be like that. We find ourselves in situations where we need some help and where we need to cry out for someone to help us. Not necessarily save us from danger, but save us from making bad decisions, help us to make the right decision at the right time. This book is designed to help every person who needs help but is unsure of where to get it. As a Christian, I believe that the one person who can give me the help I need when I am in crisis is Jesus. I believe that if I am lost if I am struggling He will help me find a way, I DON’T BELIEVE THAT HE WILL MAGICALLY MAKE LIFE PERFECT; as a retired Pastor (yes, I’m one of those, more about that at the end of the book) who spent his time working with folks who were hurting, I’ve seen dramatic changes that people have made in their lives when they turned to Him. I’ve experience it first hand in my own life so to me it’s not a theory, it is reality.
1. Introduction
2.Learn from Those who came before
3. Facing Fear
4. Dealing with Frustration
5. Dealing with Depression
6. Overcoming Obstacles
7. Never let go of your hope
8. A Man meets Jesus
9. And Finally