People call me Hank. Let’s get one thing clear from the jump. I don’t have a theological degree from any denomination. I have a master’s degree in interdisciplinary studies from Texas Tech University. That means I have been trained in looking at complex problems and issues and working out approaches to solving them that understands complex problems are not solved by simple solutions.

I have studied early church history from a neutral perspective. By that I mean, I look at church history through the lens provided by what we call “ primary source documents.” These are the writings and words of those who were there.

I have studied ‘theology’ with various denominations, including Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic. Frankly, I found each of them puts a slightly different spin on the teachings of Jesus, because the more complicated they can make it, the better it is for business.

I have been actively preaching the Gospel for the past 20+ years. I have authored multiple books dealing with how to apply the teachings of Jesus to real life. They are available both as eBooks and Audiobooks. You can find them by searching for Hank Wilson, or by going here.

For 10 years, I was the host of a weekly Gospel music show (the Cowboy Gospel Hour), where I delivered a message, again on using Jesus in our daily life. I  have had several podcasts where each week I would deliver audio messages about how we need to actually “be” Christians.

I was the pastor of a Bible based church based in Llano, Texas. It was a non-denominational church, in that there was no regulatory organization telling me what to say or how to say it. I also planted a church in Marble Falls, Texas that was and is the seed for this ministry.

I don’t believe in yelling and screaming at people telling them they’re going to hell. I do believe in telling people that if they follow the teachings of Jesus they will have the strength to handle life.

I hope you will join me in this new version of my ministry and join me in getting back to the basics.

God bless and peace y’all